Thursday, 8 July 2021

Cultural Games

 😊Talofa Lava bloggers😀

 For a couple of weeks we have been learning about Cultural Games in Panui. It has lots of different games we learnt about and we played. At the end we create a googl-slide animation.


We had 5 games around the world. There were 
Tinikling, Kabaddi, Pass the Parcel, Catch the Dragon's tail and Luta de Galo. We went outside to play and enjoy the game. We had lots of fun. Here is the photo.
Blog You Later.

Friday, 25 June 2021

Maths Activity.

 Talofa bloggers.

On Wednesday, we did some measurements around our school. We had cardboard and folded them into quarters and cut them to the same size. Then we stuck them together with sticky tape and checked if it is 2 meters. We used 2 squares on the mat to check their size. If it isn't, then stick two more then it will be 2 meters. If it is over the 2 boxes, then trim the piece that is sticking out. Once it is done then we could go outside and find 5 things that was 1 meters or 2 meters long, then we wrote it down in our book I measured the door, bench the cone cupboard and the floor.. write the object that is a meter and write the meters. I learnt  that I can build my own ruler and how to check that is a meter. It was my first time making a ruler made out of cardboard.

I really enjoy this because I haven't done this before.

Wooden Ruler 1 Metre | OfficeMax NZ Wooden Ruler 30cm | OfficeMax NZ 

Tuesday, 15 June 2021

STEM WK, Waikowhai Student Led Tool-kits.

STEM WK.   Last week was stem week. Stem stands for Sience Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. There were 24 presenters and 12 tool-kits to try. There were three sessions.

1st I was presenter and presented Brain-Box. My buddy was Marcus T and we each did our part. Brain-Box is a electronic kit that can make a fan, music and a light-bulb at the same time. Some of the people made it to the radio and it was very loud five or four made the radio work and everyone was really shocked because some people read the instruction carefully.  We were helping people because the pieces were tricky and how to build the radio. There were a 15 minute timer and have some sand pit time. The timer was finished and we all packed up for the next tool-kits.

2nd I went into Incredibox, you can make your own beat and you can't record, you can listen to their music and click on the another music. Their are eight versions, four you just unlock are Alpha, Little Miss, Suns-rise and The Love. You can choose four of the version. I tried Sunrise and there were cool beats to listen.  I clicked on the green button and the music came up and I listen to it.  I felt relaxed because there was music to listen and beats to make up with.

3rd tool-kits were the Brain-Box because I have two tool-kits and present another tool-kit and I was confidence and happy. Some people were late and we started our tool-kits and we have 25 Brain-Boxes and 13 people. They all have one box and started building it. We helped people and got on the radio. Some people already put the radio on and everyone was very confused because they want to do it too.

I feel proud and happy because I was presenting and helping people.

Friday, 28 May 2021

2021 Student Led Tolkits.

 Hi guys, today I am talking about Ako Hiko toolkits.

 First I went to Coding W

ith Minecraft and had a play with it. For the Minecraft you put the code in and see how far you get.  If you finally finished, you pressed RUN and it will run from square to square and get a prize and on to the next level. The level gets harder and harder until you finished. I tried it before and I was stuck and  skip to another level, the time was up and pack.

Then I went to a toolkit about Incredibox. Incredibox is the best beat you can ever play. You can use this to make your own beats. You can move the box and if you want to hear, just press the headphone and all the beats will stop except the person you pressed. The image at the top shows you what to do, If you press it will show you and the and picture and  the song play for you. If you finished everything then you can make your own beats and listen to it.

The last thing I tried was How To Remove bg. To remove a bg you chose a background and chose your favorite character from a cartoon or from a movie. If it has a white background go to new tab and search up How To Remove Background and put a image you screenshot.  If it showed up download and it will download for you.  Then you put it in your slideshow.  You can add a few detail and you are done. Have fun and try it.  I feel exiting because it was my first time on toolkit and haven't  done new ones before.

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Spark Arena

Talofa Bloggers and around the world

Hello bloggers, today I am talking about Year 6's amazing Spark Arena trip that was in the City of Auckland. It was my first time being to Spark Arena. We entered the at bus and we each sat on one of the seat seats in the bus. We were so exiting about going to the trip. I was so silent until the bus moved. It took us forever to get to Spark Arena. I was so bored because the motorway turned into traffic and we had to wait for a long time until we were finally there. When we got their, everyone was so cold because it was winter.   

We had three fun activities. One was the Van Gogh exhibition. The other one was called the Happy Place and the last one was Sounds Fun. 

We went to the happy place and it was fun, first we went to the ball pit and I was the fourth to the last when I get their next to me was Ibraham, Ros-Alan and Dev, When the three went I went straight into the ball pit I was thinking that I was sinking to the ground and I did. I was trying to pull myself out of the ball pit but I  didn't pull myself out because I was still sinking but I had a hand and pulled up so I don't fall down. I went inside of the chain and didn't even notes ed that I bummed the mirror and shake my head and looked at myself and went out. We went to the other Happy Place. We waited until Year 6's come. We went inside of the confetti doom Mahdi pressed the little red button and the confetti was flying around and we were picking them up to  throw at each other.

Then we did Sounds Fun. I did the electric drums, it was a little bit hard but I was getting the hang of it.  I tried new instruments like trumpets pianos and keyboards. It was fun. We had half an hour until we went to the Van Gogh Art. 

When we went to the art, it was beautiful and it looked like it was animated. There were Japanese arts, historical art and in the past. That was the best art I have seen. We went out and had big lunch, inside the lunch was sandwich, chips and apple juice. I ate the whole sandwich. We went to the bus holding the paper bag inside. When we went to school we had playtime or could eat while we were playing. We did our blog about Spark Arena and it was fun. IT WAS THE BEST TRIP EVER.



Friday, 16 April 2021

Under The Trenches

 😑😬Talofa Bloggers😯😢

When I was arriving at school, in the class there was a lots of strings in the Hauraki and Waitemata. Everyone was confusing because there was strings in the class. When the bell rang everyone gathered in the Manukau space and the teachers Ms Sands, Miss Daily and Mrs Jones explained what it was. They said That it is Under The Trenches, and said that we had points. They did the roll and ask what to do. We first need is our art books and a ruler and a pencil and pen. Hauraki went first, then Waitemata but Manukau was easier to get there's and find a spot in the two classes. It was a pain because our knees started hurting and hard to move. When we were doing our maths, we started and Ms Daily put on some sounds just like a real war. I didn't know that ANZAC stands for Australia New Zealand Army Corp-es, but now I did. Here is the photo of my  ANZAC letter and story.

This is my story.


This is my letter from Wednesday

This is where we were under the trenches.

Everyone was under the trenches.

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Family Fun Day.

😯Talofa Bloggers😁

Last Friday we had best FAMILY FUN DAY EVER. For the family fun day we need

  • A water bottle 
  • A change of cloths
  • A colourful hat
A big lunch 

And a house color t-shirt.

First Kea went to the slip-n-slide, Ruru went to the bounce obstacle course, Pukeko went to the wheels and Tui went the inflatable slide. I was the house captain and Naweed. We got dressed and it has our name and word of the bird. We went to the slip-n-slide, we got slit into two groups. One is the pool and one is the slip-n-slide. Our teacher Ms Sands said " WHEN YOU GO DOWN THE FIRST TIME YOU ONLY GO BY YOURSELF". Before we started, Ms Sands has a rule and said " WHEN YOU GO DOWN. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO RUN AND SLIDE, IF YOU GO AND SLIDE IT IS GOING TO HIT YOUR HEAD AND IT IS A PAIN." She said. I went on my own and did a penguin slide and  turned and hit a the matres. The she said " NOW YOU CAN BUDDY UP WITH SOMEONE OR JUST ON YOUR OWN." I buddy up with Ros and went together and CRASH on the matres, and we both said " AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN." and we went again. Then we went to the bounce castle and did a race. We did a hour and we went to the next fun activity. We got dreesed into our pair of cloths and went into the  inflatable slide. Then we went to the other activity. it was fun.

Here are the photo

Friday, 12 March 2021

Emergency plan.

  • Sun-screen if it is sunny and hot.
  • Talofa Everyone today I am telling you all about the  Emergency plan. When you hear an alarm make sure that you evacuate out of your house and read what it says before walking up to the top hill. Make sure you pack everything like food, water, Backpack, games and everything. When you reach to the top stay there when it is 3:30 or 2:30. In your Emergency pack you need : 
  • Blankets just in case you get cold.
  • you need Medication if you get sick.
  • torch if it is dark, is your torch is low find it in your car.
  • phone or charger if your phone is dead.Emergency survival kits - Consumer NZ
last but not least, is radio, if you want to hear a message.

When we were going to our aunt's house, we ride like about half way, when we were at our aunt's house my mum's phone beeped like three times and said " PLEASE EVACUATE OUT OF THE HOUSE"and our aunts and cousin and  our baby cousin came out of the house and followed us to the top of the hill. We drove all the way to the Mt Roskill mountain and  drove all the way to the top. When we reach it heaps of people were at the top. So we looked for a space so we could stay up there. I looked on the other side and saw the view. I held my baby cousin and held it gently and I held her bottle and put it in her mouth and she drank it very slow and fast. We packed everything and our baby cousin's stuff like Huggins nappies, Baby wipes and a set of baby bottles. I was sort of  happy and sad because there was alarm. When it was finished, we went back and went to my aunt's house.  We spent a lot of time and we packed up and go home. And  that Is the end of my story.

See. You. Later.