Friday 25 October 2019

Hi my name is Nijel,

For Term 4 we went to futsal. We did dribbling and we went outside to drop and kick the ball until we got 5 in a row. Then we had to bounce our  ball onto our head.  At the end we played a game called the number game and it was a good game because it was fun. We had to win a goal.  When Kingsley, the teacher, said " new ball " we ran after the ball until somebody won a goal. We said "score " when they would get  another point. When he  said a number we had to score a goal and make some kicks.


Hi my name is Nijel,

For Term 4 we went to futsal. We did dribbling and we went outside to drop and kick the ball until we got 5 in a row. Then we had to bounce our  ball onto our head.  At the end we played a game called the number game and it was a good game because it was fun. We had to win a goal.  When Kingsley, the teacher, said " new ball " we ran after the ball until somebody won a goal. We said "score " when they would get  another point. When he  said a number we had to score a goal and make some kicks.