šTalofa Lava Bloggers and stop bullingš
Last Friday was anti bulling day. We had to were pink like a pink bag, pink jumper and a pink face paint. If we don't bring pink stuff Miss Daly is going to paint some of our faces like a heart,a diamond. I got a pink jumper, a pink bag that belongs to my sister, and a pink sock. Pink shirt day is important because it is means that the whole school to stop bulling and overseas . Then we comment on three Ako Hiko film festival, we were shocked because we had to do 3 comments on the Ako Hiko film festival and if they didn't they have to finished at lunch time. We had the best Pink Shirt Day we ever had. If you want to visit my blog visit at https://wpsnijelp.blogspot.com/.
Hola Nijel. My names Maiki. I´m from Ahipara School. I liked how you added your blog link in it but you don´t need to cause we are all ready on it. Maybe next time you could check it with the teacher but Blog ya later.