Friday, 27 November 2020

😃Lego Workshop😃

 😃 Talofa Lava Bloggers😃

Last week we were outside the hall and my class was exciting. We wait until the door opens. First we sanitize our hands and then went in the hall to listen to what they are saying. Then we got into 4 groups and find a workshop. Me and Marcus, Sema, Shreyas went to the farm Lego, some went to parent reading and some stayed and do Lego. It was fun. Then the time was up and we went around clockwise. Then we went to the second session and it was my favorite. We had to build something cool and it was the best. I built something cool and it was the repair shop I put people on the Lego and I got the bits to put on. WE HAD THE BEST LEGO EVER. Then the time was up again, I was tired of walking the first to the other and the other. Then it was over, I was really tired. If you want to visit my blog visit at Blog You Later.

Friday, 20 November 2020


 😑Talofa Lava Bloggers😑

Today was exciting day because we have Skateboard and again after morning tea. We are lucky. We even get to have free time on the skateboard. Some kids likes riding on a skateboard and some kids  don't. The thing I learn about was balancing and focus on the skateboard. When we did tick-tacks I did some but I accidentally fell off the skateboard and I gave up on doing that trick, it was hard. The skateboard was carving and I know how to do it. 

The best coach was Ben and Lawrence because they do the best tricks I ever seen before. Then the free time was over. I enjoy doing skateboarding. Then we took our helmets off and put the skateboard up side down and put the helmets on the back of the skateboard. My knees was shaking because I can't ride a skateboard or do tricks. If you want to check my blog visit at Check You Later. 

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Pink Shirt Day.

 😊Talofa Lava Bloggers and stop bulling😊

Last Friday was anti bulling day. We had to were pink like a pink bag, pink jumper and a pink face paint. If we don't bring pink stuff Miss Daly is going to paint some of our faces like a heart,a diamond. I got a pink jumper, a pink bag that belongs to my sister, and a pink sock. Pink shirt day is important because it is means that the whole school to stop bulling and overseas . Then we comment on three Ako Hiko film festival, we were shocked because we had to do 3 comments on the Ako Hiko film festival and if they didn't they have to finished at lunch time. We had the best Pink Shirt Day we ever had. If you want to visit my blog visit at

Blog you Later



Production Jasmine and Aladinn

 😊 Talofa Bloggers 😁

On Wednesday and Thursday and Friday we did Production at Waikowhai intermediate in the hall. the senior had to come at 6:00 and the middles have to come at 6:45 and the juniors they had to come at 6:45 and the parents had to come at 6:45 and when the when the time is 7:00 that means the  show is starting and the first room comes and do their dance and go off the stage. when is the stage is set we come on the stage and say our line. The whole school was enjoying it because the production was the best we ever had. When the scene changes the next room comes and dance and off the stage then we say our lines again. All of the narrators was bored because we had to wait until the scene is changes. Then the scene changes and we wait and wait until the scene is finished when the we all bowed then we did our dance and the dance was over we got dressed and go home to eat and shower even some rest. It was fun. If you want to look at my blog visit at

Here Is A Photo.

Here Is a Photo Of The Nerators

Here Is Our Photo Dancing.